Grade 12: Letters & Diaries of the Great War
Considering Historical Perspectives
We can better understand the people of the past if we …
Remember there is a difference between current world views and those of earlier time periods.
Avoid imposing present ideas on actors in the past. Know that the historical context helps establish perspective of people in the past.
Take the perspective of historical actors, meaning we infer how those people felt based on evidence.
Remember that different people have diverse perspectives on the same event.

Gladys Matheson Crim, Autograph Album, "Landmarks of Ypres" by L. Mount, 3 March 1918.
PAS Photo R-E1395,
By reading and thinking about their words, what can we learn about the experiences of these four Saskatchewan individuals who all sacrificed while serving their country – each in his or her own way – during the Great War, 1914-1918?
By reading and thinking about their words, what can we learn about the experiences of these four Saskatchewan individuals who all sacrificed while serving their country – each in his or her own way – during the Great War, 1914-1918?
Victor N. Swanston
When you hear a moaning whistle Very quickly drawing near, And you tip your old tin hat towards the sound, Then, when that shell breaks o’er you, Looking like a wooly bear, Well! You have sneaking feeling for the ground."
Gladys Matheson
Oh we are busy. Have 6 gangrene gas cases. They mean so much work. Poor lads."
Charles Douglas (‘Dick’) Richardson
Perhaps you have heard something about the time we have been having. I hope I never have to go through it again. It was simply Hell!"
James (‘Jim’) C. Aitchison
I am also sorry to see that you are taking our separation so badly... God knows I miss you too, but I always try to keep smiling."
Historical Thinking Concepts:
Historical Perspectives: How can we better understand the people of the past?
Guidepost 1: Remember there is a difference between current world views and those of earlier time periods.
Guidepost 2: Avoid imposing present ideas on actors in the past.
Guidepost 3: Know that the historical context helps establish perspective of people in the past.
Guidepost 4: Take the perspective of historical actors, meaning we infer how those people felt based on evidence.
Guidepost 5: Remember that different people have diverse perspectives on the same event.
Adapted from The Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts by Peter Seixas and Tom Morton (Nelson Education 2013)