First Nations and Métis Records
The Provincial Archives has a number of collections that may be of interest to anyone doing family history research about First Nations and/or Métis people.
The following list is a sample of some collections that may be of interest:
- Robert Doucette fonds
- Campbell Innes fonds
- A.S. Morton fonds
- Saskatchewan, Department of Natural Resources
- Canadian Dept. of Indian & Northern Affairs fonds
- Oral History collection
The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan continues to work together with individuals and organizations that are involved in researching and sharing Indigenous history and the legacy of the residential school system.
Not all of our Collection is described in the catalogue as of yet.
Access Restrictions may apply.
Contact Reference and Outreach Services to see what is available.

Adolphus Ross and William Bird on Montreal Lake, August 1919. PAS Photo S-B513.
Types of Records To Explore and Where to Find Them
Library and Archives Canada Records
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has the most comprehensive collection of archival records regarding Indigenous heritage. The Department of Indian Affairs (Record Group 10), the Red and Black Series) and the Department of the Interior (Record Group 15) records are another valuable resource. These records are available on microfilm and many of the records from this collection have also been digitized and can be accessed through the online search at LAC.
When using this database to search for microfilmed materials in the Red and Black Series, be sure to take note of the volume number, file number, and microfilm reel numbers for any materials that you wish to view.
For researchers interested in Métis scrip records available at LAC, Finding Métis Scrip outlines the historical context in which Métis scrip records were created and provides information on how to search these records.
LAC Resources at the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan
The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan has the following microfilm reels from the RG 10 Black Series:
- C-9690
- C-10098 to C-10187
- C-13906 to C-13907
- C-13909
- C-13933 to C-13936
- C-14250
- C-14857 to C-14868
- C-14880
- T-1455 to T-1458
- T-1460
- T-1469
Resources at Other Organizations
- The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation contains the records of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as well as numerous records related or on subjects important to First Nations, Inuit and Metis people collected from archives across Canada.
- Request microfilm reels through an interlibrary loan at your local library
- Indigenous Studies: RG 10 & RG 15 Microfilm at the University of Saskatchewan
- RG 10 Microfilm Reel Holdings at the First Nations University of Canada-Regina Campus Library
- Department of Indian Affairs: The annual reports were originally published by the federal government in the Sessional Papers of Canada, which are fully digitized and available online. The history section of this website also provides a listing of the various federal departments that were responsible for the administration of Indian Affairs over the years.
- The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) Archives at the Archives of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba is another great source of information as it has many records documenting HBC’s interactions with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in North America from the 1670s through the 20th century.
General inquiries regarding genealogical information about First Nations and Métis people may be directed to the following institutions:
- Elders, members of First Nations band councils, and First Nations and Métis governments
- eHealth Saskatchewan genealogy website for birth, marriage, and death records. Access and fees vary from province to province.
- Church Records: The early involvement of Christian denominations in missions to First Nations and Métis people, and because of Church involvement in the education of First Nations and Métis people.
- Other Provincial Archives: Other provincial archives hold unique records relating to provincial government programs for First Nations and Métis peoples and private records of Indigenous leaders, clergy, educators, and others.