Order Reproductions
Reproductions may be made of most types of archival material, including textual records, oversize maps and architectural drawings, microfilm, photographs, audio cassettes, films, videotapes, and some records in electronic format. Reproduction service may be limited by donor restrictions and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Copyright Act. Please read our Copyright Policy.
The Provincial Archives reserves the right to refuse to provide reproductions of archival materials if the records are fragile, damaged, or the process of producing the reproduction will jeopardize their physical integrity and the Archives' ability to provide these archival materials to future patrons.
In addition, photography or filming of archival records by researchers is permitted in-person in the Reading Room of the Provincial Archives at no charge, provided the following conditions are met:
- In the judgment of the staff, reproduction will not damage the original item.
- Materials have no donor-defined or legislation-defined restrictions, and fall under the fair dealing clause of the Copyright Act,
- Authorization to photograph or film materials has been received from the Reference Archivist.
- Conditions of Use for Reproductions has been read and been agreed to by the researcher. The researcher agrees to these conditions by signing the Self-Service Digitization form.
- No flash photography is used.
Copy orders are processed in the order in which they are received. We strive to complete orders within a three week period. However, at certain times, there may be delays in processing large copy orders.
Reproduction orders for records from the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan are subject to a number of Conditions of Service and Conditions of Use.
Our Fee Schedule describes all available reproduction and special services and states the associated fees.
Contact Reference and Outreach Services to order reproductions.

PAS staff scanning images.