Heritage Fairs
The Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan can help students with their Heritage Fair projects in the following ways:
Free scans: For any student who indicates that he or she is preparing a heritage fair project, the Provincial Archives will provide you with 5 free scans of already scanned images or 2 free scans of images or documents that have not been scanned from our collection.
Provide Research Assistance: Our archivists will try to help you find primary source evidence related to your heritage fair topic, if your project has a Saskatchewan theme. Please include in your enquiry that it’s for a heritage fair project and the deadline so that the Reference Archivist and prioritize it accordingly. Students and parents are encouraged to start their archival research and make their requests for scans as early as possible!
Primary Source Guide: View our primary source guide to see what resources are available.
Online Resources: Visit our virtual exhibits and learning packages, which contain primary source evidence related to many different topics.
Possible Topics: If you want to do a Heritage Fair project but you are having trouble finding a topic, see our primary source guide for a list of suggestions for Saskatchewan-related topics that are available at the Provincial Archives. Please remember that these are only a few suggestions.
Archives Award: Did you know that there is an Archives Award presented at the Provincial Heritage Fair in Saskatchewan, and that the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan is a contributor to that award?

A train ploughing through the snow after the big blizzard of Feb 9, 1947. PAS Photo R-A16911.