Payment Options & Refund Policy
Payment Options
After submitting an enquiry to the Archives, clients will be notified of the full price for their reproduction order before reproductions are made. A payment request will be generated by Archives staff and delivered to clients, at which time clients may choose their preferred method of payment.
Orders for goods and services will not be processed until payment is received in full.
Once payment is received, orders will be placed immediately into our reproduction queue by our enquiry management system.
Clients have a number of options to choose from when paying for goods and services:
- Pay in person using credit card, money order or cash.
- Pay by providing credit card information directly to a Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan staff person over the phone, by calling 1-833-382-4068 or 306-787-4068.
- Debit card payment is not accepted at this time.
- Please do not send cash in the mail.
- Please do not send credit card information by email or via the Archives’ website enquiry form, as these are not secure methods of communication.
Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan's Refund Policy
- Requests for refunds related to goods and services procured from the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan must be presented within 30 calendar days of date of pickup or date of outgoing shipment.
- Refunds will be made to remedy Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan staff errors that have resulted in an over-charge or that have resulted in a client receiving reproductions or services which they did not request
- Clients are encouraged to carefully review reproduction work orders upon receipt of a payment request, to confirm that the work order is accurate, before submitting payment.
- All refund requests must be approved by the Manager of Reference and Outreach Services, Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Reference and Outreach Services or call 1-833-382-4068 or 306-787-4068.

Craig Bros. Department Store, circa 1940. PAS Photo GM_R_A10580.