Record Schedules
Records Classification and Retention Schedules
Record retention and classification schedules are the foundation of any effective records management program. A records schedule as defined in The Archives and Public Records Management Act, is a “formal plan that identifies the public records that are subject to the plan, establishes a classification system and retention periods for those records and provides for their disposition.” The classification system within schedules allows institutions to organize their records systematically and in a consistent manner. The retention requirements establish the time period for which records included in the classification plan must be retained to meet all legal, financial, administrative and fiscal requirements. Records schedules are required to legally dispose of public (government) records.

IMS staff working on records schedules.
The Administrative Records Management System 2014 (ARMS2014)
The Administrative Records Management System 2014 (ARMS2014) is a comprehensive records management tool for arranging and scheduling all administrative records created or received by Government Ministries, Agencies, Boards, Commissions, or Other Branches of the Public Service in Saskatchewan. ARMS2014 is not applicable to most Crown Corporations in Saskatchewan.
Administrative Records Management System 2006 (ARMS2006)
ARMS2006 is not applicable to any records that remain active or are created on or after April 1, 2015. Administrative records created after that date must be classified and disposed of in accordance with ARMS2014.
Operational Records System (ORS)
An Operational Records System (ORS) is a classification system and retention schedule used to manage an institution’s operational records; those records document the functions for which an agency is responsible according to statute, mandate or policy. Due to the unique nature of operational records, ORS cannot be developed in a common format. Rather, these systems are developed by government institutions on an individual basis in consultation with Information Management Analysts from the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.
Comprehensive Records Schedules
Most Crown Corporations develop corporate-wide comprehensive records classification and retention schedules that apply to their administrative and operational records. The process for developing these schedules is the same as for ORS.
Special Events Schedule
The Special Events Schedule has been created by the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan to facilitate classification and disposal of records relating exclusively to Special Events. Special Events include any Provincial/ National/ International one-time or infrequently organized events that have a province-wide involvement/application. The schedule is applicable to government institutions responsible for, or involved in, organizing the event on behalf of the government.